Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's a great day

Today is a big day on two fronts. First, I had a hair appointment this morning to get it colored. I've been coloring my hair since 7th grade, and I have no clue what color is the real color anymore. For all I know, I could be totally gray.

For the last few years I've been going more towards red....I love red hair, and not being blessed with it naturally, I let my stylist make me into a red head. But I decided this morning to change things up a bit. I went blond. Not Dolly Parton blond, but close to surfer girl streaky blond. I like it, but it is a change. I've caught glimpses in the mirror a few times, and was like, Whoa. But it's growing on me. I'm adventurous when it comes to hair, much to the astonishment of my sister in law. I figure it will either grow back or can be recolored. It's easily changed....so just go with it.

In other news, I ordered my birthday cake today. I turn 29 on Friday, and my folks are coming for cake on Thursday night. I found out that the local DQ makes blizzard cakes, so I got a custom ordered Snickers with Chocolate Ice Cream BlizzardCake with Happy Birthday written on it, with Pink and Blue flowers. I'm pumped about it.

The only bad thing about today is that the Muggies are definitely in town on vacation. We had a weather man on a local station that used to say that the Muggy family was around when the weather got sticky. My family kept up the story. So Baby A and I have been hanging out in the basement.

Maybe Farmer will take us out for Root Beer Floats tonight if we look hot and sweaty enough.......It's a hope! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I cannot WAIT to see your hair now!!!