Friday, July 11, 2008

T-Minus 1 and counting...

Well, the ugly-pink-dress wedding is almost here. Last night was the rehearsal dinner. Woohoo! It was fine, the Family of Groom had a BBQ at a local park, so it was nice and casual. I enjoyed it, as did Grammy, who is Godmother of Bride and also a Reader tomorrow. But there is another bridesmaid who is a High School Friend of Bride, and she has driven me NUTS since we were in high school. I would hang out occasionally with Bride (we went to different schools and she's older than me by 2 grades) and O.B. (other bridesmaid) would often be there as well. She's a real uppity, snobby girl who knows it all, and thinks she's super thin and small breasted when she IS NOT. (this coming from a girl who also believes those thoughts sometimes, and so I'm as delusional as the rest) But, as was my mantra throughout the whole wedding process, I just smiled and stayed sweet last night, even when OB and I were getting in polite conversational fights. I know she dislikes me as much as I her, so it almost makes these little infractions fun.

But Grammy just kept smiling at me when I threw her dying-calf eyes, and later whispered to me that she's going to buy me a few shots tomorrow night, which will make things SO MUCH BETTER.

Only one more day to smile and stay sweet.

On the Baby A front, she hung out with her Godfather (my brother) and Fiancee last night while I was practicing. Godfather LOVES Baby A. They are Best Friends (just ask him), but Baby A doesn't seem to enjoy his clothing. She urps on every shirt he wears around her. Last night was no different. He was hugging her 2 hours after she ate (which should be safe time) but there she went! Urp all over. I laughed out loud when I heard.

See? it's the small things in life that are enjoyable. None more so than seeing your brother inwardly gagging as his puke-covered niece grins up at him, wanting to give him puke flavored kisses.

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