Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm raising a hussy!

So, Baby A is getting to be well known at her day care. When she was an infant, everyone knew that she was a spitter. Lots of spitty all over every time she ate. Next, it became known very fast that A doesn't like green veggies. She'll blow raspberries all over you if you try to feed her them. Then, she became known as a nuk-theif. Noone's nuks were safe from Baby A's quick sticky fingers.

However, today took the cake.

I picked her up this evening and her teacher Miss D. said that Baby A was giving kisses all day her friend Baby V! Now, V is a BOY. Baby A is a GIRL. What's up with this???? She's making out at school! All day I try to avoid seeing teenagers involved in PDA, and I leave the halls of highschool lovin' to hear that my precious baby is kissing boys!

But in reality, the teachers said it was quite cute. She would crawl up to V. and give him a big baby opened mouth kiss on the forehead....when the teachers would ask her what she was doing, she would give a big grin and kiss him again. Then she would crawl away and do her own thing until she felt that Baby V needed more affection.

So very cute. I wish her teachers would have caught it on camera. It would be priceless!!!


Anonymous said...

But a CUUUUUUTE hussy!

NavyGirl said...

Gee... I wonder where she could have possibly learned this... ;)