Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So, we are exactly 5 days in with students in my classroom. Things are going well. My students are mostly excited and wanting to learn. We have great discussions, and for the most part, when I am done with the day, I feel satisfied in my job.

AND......I feel exhausted.

Bone numbing tired.

This makes me realize that I really didn't do too much this summer. I thought I kept busy, but not nearly enough. Last night I fell dead asleep at 9:00 pm. Tonight I could have hit the sheets at....well.....about 5:30 pm.

I hope this exhaustion phase passes quickly. I'm not a very good playmate for Baby A. I spend most of my time sitting next to her passing her toys to suck on and then throw behind her.

But she seems to be super tired from school too. Tonight she was playing, and then crawled in my lap, put her head down on my shoulder. I went to give her a bubba, and she fell mouth wide open asleep half way through. This was at 7:30 pm. She normally doesn't hit the sheets until 8:30. I just hope she'll sleep through the night so I can sleep through the night.


In other matters, I came up with a great idea this summer to make my evenings a bit more easy. I came up with a meal schedule, and planned out my meals for the entire month....main dishes, sides, salads, etc. Farmer thought I was funny for doing this, but it makes everything so much better!!!!! I never have to rush around finding something to eat, we aren't eating everything on a bun (last school year we ate alot of things on buns) and we are eating more veggies than french fries. I think this trend will continue.


I get to go bridesmaid dress shopping this weekend. My brother is getting married, and so we are going to go dress shopping on saturday. Well, brother isn't going, we are going with his lovey. But there is a whole van full of ladies on this excursion. My sister in law to be is a PLANNER.....we have appointments at 5 different bridal shops, an hour for lunch, and are all to be at the house by 9:15 AM. God help you if you are late. She wants fun black dresses with pink trim, so those won't be so bad...at least, not as bad as Ugly Pink Dress from this summer.

Ok, I think I made my limit for staying awake today. Yes, it's only 9:12 pm here right now, but I'm throwing in the towel. Have a great night!!!!


ebs handler said...

I am so impressed! A full month's menus??? What if you are just in the mood for something on a bun? And I could have told you about the movement thing. For crying out loud, don't let her walk! You will never know where she is. And definitely, no talking! For reasons why, just stop in at your local middle school!
6 down, 174 to go!

NavyGirl said...

Oooo, I can't wait to hear details from the bridesmaid dress shopping. Your future sis-in-law is putting my planning abilities to shame with her military style schedule.

Anonymous said...

I plan a week out--a month. That's pretty impressive!
Adjusting to the school schedule always took me a solid month. I was EXHAUSTED and ate way too much--amazing how many calories teaching burns.