Monday, September 29, 2008

Baby A Eats Italian

So, Baby A turns ONE on Saturday. BIG DAY!!!!! In preparation for her being a big girl, we are transitioning her over to all big girl food. She's slightly picky, but she's starting to consider options other than cheerios.
Tonight we tried Beef Ravioli ala Chef Boyardee. I figured it was nice and soft, and kids like it, so why not? well, as you can see, she obviously loved it. There's tomato sauce all over. The scream on her face is because it was gone. She also mowed through some corn and of course, peaches. She's also drinking some whole milk with dinner, and tonight, she's getting a bottle of 1/2 formula, 1/2 milk.
I promise, I will post a prettier picture of Baby A soon, but this was just so funny that I had to share. Can you imagine what she's going to do with her own birthday cake on Saturday???? I predict frosting EVERYWHERE.
Good Monday, everyone!


NavyGirl said...

LOVE the pic! She's going to have birthday cake from head to toe! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that is DISGUSTING. And cute at the same time.