Monday, September 22, 2008

Halloween Flashback

So, a few years ago, when I was thinner, less cellulite prone, and had perkier "ladies", I went as "Hot Donna" for Halloween. "Hot Donna" is a character from Farmer's then favorite show...That 70's Show. Donna was sent to Catholic school for a year, and so she appeared in the show wearing the necessary uniform: plaid skirt, white shirt, knee socks. So, for Halloween, I went as a more "loose moraled" Donna...shorter skirt, etc. Needless to say, I was a hit with Farmer's drunken friends at our annual Drunken Halloween Garage Party. In some circles, I'm still refered to as Hot Donna, even though I'm now dimpled and saggy. :)

Fast Forward to Saturday night. After reading some fashion and gossip magazines, I learned that an in style is a longer black skirt with a white fitted blouse tucked into the skirt, high heels, and big bulky jewelry. I thought....WOW! I actually have an outfit that would be considered In! I ran with the outfit.

So, there I was, feeling confident in my outfit, and Farmer's brother comes to the dinner table and bellers out "Hey! Hot Donna came to the party!" I looked around, looking for some inappropriately dressed female, and then realized, when everyone started giggling at me, that I was Hot Donna. I felt like an idiot. I mean....cripes! my skirt fell past my knees! My "ladies" weren't hanging out! I was completely different!

NOthing like looking like you're wearing a halloween costume when trying to look in style and fancy. :)


On a different note, Baby A will lately only now eat cheerios and peaches. At least we are getting some fruit in there. She's also starting to drink whole milk, which she seems to like. Baby A also got a big girl car seat this weekend. She's excited to soon be facing forward.

Baby A also made it thorugh a whole day at Day Care without stealing someone else's nuk. It's progress.


Hey, GreenGirl....that chicken cordon bleu casserole turned out awesome. Farmer really liked it....would you like the recipe to see if the Gentlemen of the Estate would like to try it?

Also, NavyGirl....this would be a good one for you to make up in Whidbey when you are feedinghalf of the Pacific Fleet at your soon to be found home. It's a crockpot meal, so it's un-screwup-able. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm interested--bring me that recipe!!!

Glad to hear A is laying off her thieving and pillaging in the baby room at day care:)

Hot Donna. Oh my. I can well imagine your shame!

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