Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Introduction to Us

Hello All!

I'm kind of excited....first time blogging. I like to try new things.

I'm Historygirlie, and this is the story of my first summer as a mom.

My husband, Farmer, and I gave birth to Baby A in October, which makes her approximately 8 months old. Outside of being a mumma, I'm a high school history teacher in an adjacent community from where we live. Since Farmer is a farmer, (duh) you can assume I live in the middle of the country. We co-run a 70 head dairy farm in Wisconsin, and we have about 150 cows total. I'm totally a city girl, so this whole farm thing threw me for a loop at first. But you live and learn, and now I like to believe I'm adept at being a farmer's wife. I don't milk cows, I'm not strong (that leaves baling hay out), but I make a mean bag lunch for those who are spending the lunch or supper hour on tractors. That's my contribution to the farm effort.

In other things, I am a farmer's wife. I have a huge garden, and I love to pickle and preserve my crops. I enter things in our local county fair, and consistently win ribbons. I LOVE to read. I almost always have 3 books going at a time. I am also crafty....I embroider, knit, scrapbook, stamp, and I can bake like noones business. I'm especially good at Cheesecakes. When Farmer became a farmer, I needed to find things to do to fill my alone time....Otherwise, I'd just eat my way through life, and I have enough trouble trying to stay thin. So, I found hobbies. However, now with Baby A, there isn't as much time for my hobbies. But I try.

So, that's our happy little family. I basically started this blog to just have a place to get my thoughts out and maybe just tell someone about them that may care. My husband cares about my day, but during the crop season on the farm, we just don't get through many conversations before one of us falls asleep. Ahhhh, life. :)


NavyGirl said...

Hmmmm... sounds like another way to pass the time would be watching TV shows through Netflix.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Nice to meet you!