Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hairspray and Rolling Over

So, my summer plan is to tackle one doable project a day. For example, doing the ironing, cleaning the kitchen cupboards, etc.

Today, the plan: Clean my personal bathroom. Top to bottom.

Who knew hairspray could coat things so well?????

It took me 45 minutes to scrub the floor. Fricking amazing. My bathroom is the entire size of a handicap stall in a public bathroom. No bigger.

While I was sweating my life away on the floor (what a workout!), Baby A was sitting on my bed. I heard her tip over backward (she finds it funny, so she belly laughs for awhile). When I rear my head to try to take a deep breath, I notice she's laying on her stomach, in a perpendicular position she would have been when she went over. That means......... SHE ROLLED! This is huge because she refuses to move on her own. She's a Princess, so why do something your servants will do for you? They'll bring you whatever you want! No need for you do to the work!

So...Praise the lord and pass the malibu. (why need ammo? switch it up!) Farmer and I were beginning to think we were going to have to send her to Remedial Rolling School. Thank goodness we can save that tuition!

Now, she did this with no witnesses. She's sneaky that way. But I figure she must have flipped somehow. We even called Daddy at work to tell him...he too was excited. However, she's not ready to nung on cheerios yet....we had a minor choking incident. Oops. But she does like the thick syrup that is in a peaches can. Yummy! :)

Now we're off to plant some flowers in the front yard. If Princess A will hang out in her stroller long enough.

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