Saturday, June 28, 2008

Picnics and Potlucks and Sex......In the City

So, today starts the fourth of July holiday in our house. Farmer's family always has a 4th of July party at his parent's house, and it's been going on for at least 30 years....probably longer. So, today will be filled with random chatter with the aunts, being Grill Queen (none of the men cook at all, not even grill, so I volunteer for my MIL so she can relax....Farmer will take care of Baby A), eating the SAME MEAL we eat every year (everyone always brings the SAME THINGS every year, they are totally not food adventurous, like I am, so I know already we'll have party potatoes [yes, in the summer, because they don't eat potato salad], seven layer salad, oreo salad, cheese, cookies, and baked chips) and trying to avoid the kids squirting me with squirt guns....I hate that damp-just-got-squirted-with-water feeling. I'm not a huge fan of this gathering, because their family gets together for every single holiday, AND we just had the annual family reunion last weekend, so I'm out of inane chatter. Nothing exciting happened in the last week. I'd rather be up north on the lake for the day, or hanging out with my family, but nope. We'll go to the party and I'll smile, and know that season 4 of Sex and the City will be waiting for me when we get home.

By the way, I'm assigned to bring cheese curds this year. I'm too adventurous to bring anything else. Last year I brought a mandarin orange and striped cookie salad (yes, VERY yummy) and noone ate it. The year before, homemade baked beans. I took them all back home with me. So, the cook of the family is bringing boughten cheese curds. No, my feelings aren't hurt. I'm ok.

In other news, I went to see Sex and the City movie last night with my two sisters and a cousin who could be my sister. I haven't had that much fun in a long time, and realized that I need to do more things with these girls. There was no pretention, putting on airs, or shyness. We hashed everything out, from my sister being preggo and when she actually got preggo, to the whisker that keeps coming back on my cousin's chin. Come to think of it, we are kind of like the SATC girls, only not quite so.....sexual. I've also decided that I want to wear more hats. FarmTown isn't exactly a "wear your sunhat to the store" type place, people would think you're odd, but they just looked so FUN!

Baby A also had a sleepover last night at my parents house, so that I could go to the movie, and get a full night's sleep. Grammy and Poppy love to have Baby A sleep over, so we all enjoyed our evening. But the kicker of all this is that Baby A....slept through the night for Grammy! What's up with that? Oh well, maybe Grammy fixed her so that she'll sleep for me too! We can hope.....

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