Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What did you DO all day???

Those six words are some of my least least when they are strung together.

Because Farmer is so busy at work all day, he doesn't quite realize all that it takes to keep a home together, raise a baby, and put meals on the table that are more than just cheese and crackers. (Which happens to be one of my favorite suppers)

Often, then, when Farmer comes home for supper, he'll look around and ask me "What did you DO all day?", with a bit of wonder mixed with irritation in his voice. For example, today is a good one. I spent all morning running errands with Baby A, which included a HUGE run to Target (a little piece of heaven on earth) and a return of a large item from a shop. Therefore, I had to take Farmer's precious truck on errands. I should note, Farmer LOVES his truck. He fixed it up (it was a rollover) with the help of a dear friend that has since sadly passed away. It has a custom paint job and he LOVES it. I don't get to drive it too often.

When Farmer came home for lunch, he asked me to finish emptying my share of Target (I shoudl really own stock) out of Truck and then put it away in the garage. I said Sure! No problem. It truly was on my list of stuff to do.

However, Baby A is teething (and it's taking forever) and so she's a mite crabby. I also had my "Task of the Day", which was to dust and vaccuum the house. I also wanted to make this chicken enchalada (sp?) casserole for supper. Needless to say....I was busy. So, I made the casserole, fed Baby A a bottle and convinced her to take a nap, dusted like mad for the 1/2 hour she was asleep, then vaccuumed when she woke up, put all folded laundry away, made the rest of dinner, emptied the dishwasher, and did all afternoon dishes before I had supper on the table at 5:00 pm. I kept busy.

But the first words from Farmer were "What did you DO all day???" since the Truck and Target were not done. I therefore looked at him with a wild eye and just closed my mouth. No need for arguing. When prompted to relay all I did (He sometimes believes that I just sit around, read, and watch TV, which I readily admit I did for the majority of my maternity leave) he just said, "But you didn't get what I asked you done finished first?"

Grrr. Husbands.

But it's ok. He liked the casserole, which is good. Farmer grew up eating BLAND food, so anything with a little kick makes both of us nervous. Another good thing about today? Well, there were lots. Baby A sang to my dad (who we call Poppy) on the phone today, which made Poppy very excited, and Baby A has started giving big wet kisses today, which I love. We're off to excersize soon, and then I've set aside tonight to make some greeting cards for birthday and father's day, so crafting is in my near future! AND.....a rerun of America's Next Top Model is on in exactly 30 minutes!!!

Ok, so I guess I do plan on sitting around watching TV tonight. but at least the Truck is in the garage before I do so!!! :)

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