Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Anyone for a quick nap in the La-Z-Boy?

Baby A has started to NOT sleep through the night, (teething? Growing Pains? A party we are missing? I dunno) so the both of us has been up since 3 AM. I finally got her down for a nap, so I'm busting rear to get my housework done this AM because.....tonight.....there is a TWO HOUR Hell's Kitchen on! This is totally exciting to me. I plan on being home from Baby Swim lessons and in the chair by 7:00 pm. I have a slight crush on Chef Ramsay. yes, he's mean, rude, and makes fun of poor JP, the maitre-d, but I just adore him. I love a man who can cook well.

Hmmm....I seem to have alot of TV crushes. Perhaps this says something about my slight TV addiction???

In other areas, we have begun Hay Baling season #1 on the farm, and Farmer asked last night if I'd be interested in helping out with that. Yikes. That means I'll be on a hay wagon again soon. My family and friends who knew me pre-farm think this is totally odd. REALLY weird. I'm not a fan of dirt and dust (unless it's on my endtables, then I seem to care less), and I have NO upper body strength, AND I'm more comfortable in a pair of 3 inch stilletos than sneakers, so helping out with baling is odd. But help I do.

My two best friends also called today, so besides being up for 8 hours already, It's a really great day. We went to grade school and High school together, but they both live 2 hours away, so I rarely see them. One just had a baby this spring, and the other is 1/2 way along in her first pregnancy, so we don't get much time to chat.

Other than praying for Baby A to take a long nappy, I also have to make a cheesecake today, pick up the unflattering bridesmaid's dress for Cousin's wedding in a few weeks at the alterer's, and take A to Baby Swim. And pick the neighbor's strawberries since she is out of town this week.

I guess that nap in the chair will have to wait until AFTER Chef Ramsay. :)

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