Sunday, June 22, 2008

Things that Make Me Happy Lately

So, I've been quite cheerful lately, which of course is always a great feeling....Here's what makes me glow lately!

*Baby A started to give more kisses lately. Today, we were at a family reunion for Farmer's extended family, and she was giving Farmer kisses on his nose. SO FUNNY.

*The weather guy said that it's going to be hot this week. not warm, not capris-and-long-sleeve-tshirt weather, but HOT. I want hot. Baby A has a little pool and I want to let her go in it.

*Tom Brokaw is taking over Meet the Press. While I miss the late Tim Russert, I have a slight crush on Tom Brokaw. Not as big as my crush was on Peter Jennings, but it's a a crush. Now, I can watch my two news crushes back to back.....Tom Brokaw and George Stephanopolis. Before you laugh, remember, I teach history. Government and Washington DC get me excited. :) I think George Stephanopolis is a cutie. Great Sunday morning viewing.

*The county fair is coming month to go. I love the fair. It think it's just a great place to be and I'm looking forward to taking Baby A. Farmer and I also have tickets to one of the concerts, and that is always a fun night out for us. I get a corn dog, Farmer gets pizza, we both drink.....seriously! It's great! And there's a barn full of pigs! Pigs are my favorite animals, and we don't have any on our farm, so the fair is where I get my fix.

*I'm falling in super love with Sex and the City. I'm totally cable deprived, and so I've never watched the show. But my friend, Florida M, lent me all the seasons on DVD and I'm hooked. I'm in the middle of Season 3, and Carrie just gave up smoking for Aiden, and Miranda just found out she has Chalmydia (sp?), and there are parts where I laugh so hard I snort. It's just great.

*I'm in two book clubs, and late last week I placed an order on Amazon for my new books to come. So, in a few days, I'll get all new reading right on my doorstep! I don't have to go "to town" for them!!! AND.....Free shipping! Life is great.

*My mom and I have been having gut busting funny conversations on the phone lately. My mom and I chat on the phone no less than 3 times a day (I know, we should just live next door), and sometimes we don't have much to say, but lately it's been super funny. I love to belly laugh, so it's felt great.

*I had a huge cry on Thursday, which always clears the air. You know how sometimes you just need to cry? Well, I finally had my day on Thursday, and since then, the world has just been sunnier.

*I got new sheets for my bed. I know, small, but my old ones, the bottom sheet's elastic was worn out and the corners kept popping off in the middle of the night, so Farmer and I would wake up enmeshed in our sheets, and not because we were doing anything fun. It's frustrating. So I creaked open my rusty wallet hinges and sprung for new good sheets. Its' awesome.

SO, that's life right now. Baby A has gotten bored with her Jumparoo, so we must go amuse the Princess. :)

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