Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Big Day!

Well, kiddos, today was it. The first day back at school.

Baby A must have known something was up, because she was up super early. like 4:50 am early. My alarm didn't go off until 5!!! She was just so excited to go back to school! :)

But she had a great day. She loved all the new toys (and tastes of the new toys....loves to put everything in her mouth) and had fun trying to crawl on soft surfaces. She didn't even realize that I left! But she didn't nap much, and when I put her in her high chair while I made supper, she promptly fell asleep! Soooo tired.

My first day was fine too. The normal "Hooray! WE ARE A GREAT DISTRICT!!!" brouhaha, and then some time in our rooms to work. AND, a 1.5 hour school staff meeting, which was brutal. Tomorrow will be better....more time to get stuff dine. But I have so much to do that I got overwhelmed and just started wandering around my room doing stupid stuff. Tomorrow I"ll get back to business.

Otherwise, not much else going on....Baby A is having a royal fit in her chair, so it's time to get out.

NavyGirl~if you get a chance, because I know you are up to your eyeballs in Clorox and Magic Erasers, give me a call. I have to fill you in on our new department member....let's just say that alot of the guys really REALLY missed you by the end of the day :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet you're exhausted. That first day back is mind numbing with meetings and adjusting. Glad Baby had a good day in her routine!