Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Letter of Sadness

Dear Target~

What happened? For the first time in our fruitful relationship, you disappointed me. During a day of boredom and laziness, I turn to you to provide entertainment, and a pair of knee high brown boots.

I am drawn to the shoe section....up and down the aisle I stroll, becoming more anxious the farther I go....Merona brown boots, where are you? Alas, they are nowhere to be found. I sigh and tell Baby A...maybe next week.

Because you already had me enthralled, I then turn to the women's clothing section, to see the new fall line. Nothing, yes nothing, caught my eye. Nothing to buy for school or weekend wear. As a tear comes to my eye and nothing goes into my cart, I turn to the infant and child selection department.

Because this area has never disappointed before, my excitement to be in Target returns. But Alak! Nothing for Baby A! Nothing cute, fall appropriate, or something on sale is attractive enough to me to consider buying.

In desperation, I turn to the entertainment section. Farmer would like another season of Smallville, and if it's there, I will be sure to purchase the next season we need. I scan the rack, my eyes jumping from box set to box set. My eye lands on Smallville. Season one.....Season 5.....Season 6.........but no Season 3!!!!! And the kicker: it is on sale for $18.99!!!! And there's nothing for me to buy!

Near tears, I turn my cart to the exit, astonished that I am not spending a dime in the hallowed halls of shopping.

How could you do this to me, Target?

But even with this massive Sunday disappointment, I can't seem to quit you. I know I"ll be back in a few weeks, my eyes open once again for something, be it little or big, to buy.




NavyGirl said...

Clearly the four horsemen are riding through the Fox Cities, slashing down Target stores in their path as they herald the apocalypse. I have lit some candles and am attempting Hail Marys / voodoo chants to restore the wonder that was once Target.

Anonymous said...

It's funny--I was there yesterday and ALONE no less, but there was nothing that caught my eye on the impulse end. I ended up leaving with exactly everything on my boring list--batteries, paper towels, underpants and Advil. Yawn.