Monday, August 11, 2008

Sleepover Time!

My bro-in-law and wife won chachi Box Seats to tonight's Packer game at the church picnic, and so I volunteered to babysit their three kids. THe kids are always awesome, and they have been wanting to do this for a long time, so it was a date.

THey make me hope that Baby A and any other kids we have are that great. They are just so much fun! We went out for ice cream, played games in the front yard, watered the flowers and the new grass, and checked out the garden. R, the boy who's 5 and loves the farm, kept commenting on how my "crops" were doing. He loves my garden. The girls do awesome with Baby A, and she just loves them. They helped with dishes, helped with Baby A's bath, and were just all around great. Now, I know they were on best behavior, but still! awesome.

I also introduced them to the olympics tonight. Their reactions were awesome. While watching the swimming events, the girls (8 and 9) were commenting that the female swimmers, with their bodysuits, goggles, and amazing muscles, looked alot like the male swimmers. I had to giggle. R, the boy, loved the gymnastics. He had to show me his summersault because the Chinese gymnasts were ending their tumbling passes with summersaults. He believes he's ready for 2016. Watch for him.....he'll be the kid with the Wisconsin Farmer's Tan. :)

But even though the kids were great and helpful and only here since 4:30 pm, I'm beat. I thought that just Baby A was difficult....props to all multi-children moms!!!!!


NavyGirl said...

Yea! Indoctrinating them young on the wonder that is the Olympics! :) I love that R will be the farmer tanned gymnast in 2016.

Anonymous said...

I bet the day was idyllic!

Anonymous said...

Just gave you an award, so drop by.