Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

When I was a kid, I got excited with the Big Brown UPS truck drove down our road. It never stopped at our house, (mom didn't believe in catalog shopping then) but I got excited nonetheless. My version of the Ice Cream Truck. That excitement never left.

Today, while I was playing with Baby A and changing my sheets at the same time (peekaboo with pillowcases amuses everyone!), I heard a knock at the door and someone yell, "Package!" I run to the front door (leaving Baby A under the pillowcase laughing with excitement) and see the Big Brown Truck rumble away. On my front stoop was a little brown box with the happy smile/arrow on it from.....AMAZON! that only meant one thing. The books I ordered online last week finally arrived!

It felt like Christmas in July. (well, almost July)

In it were the three books I ordered for my book club gatherings for the next three months, and one book I bought for my mom to read because when I read it, I snorted with laughter. When Farmer got home for lunch, I ran to the door with my four new babies in hand and made him smell the books. I love the smell of a new book. I also made him admire the pretty covers and the unbent corners. He said I needed a bigger hobby or a summer job, if books got me so excited.

So, now I'm off to get my work done so when Baby A goes down for the night, I can curl up in my lazi-boy and dive into a great new read.


On the Baby A front, she slept through the night last night! Huzzah! Throw confetti and blow horns! Mumma slept through the night! It was awesome. AND, during her morning nap, she somehow rolled over and I found her sleeping on her belly. The stinker is like Bigfoot or the elusive know he exists, you just never see it!!!

It's such a smiley day......Smiles for everyone!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Picnics and Potlucks and Sex......In the City

So, today starts the fourth of July holiday in our house. Farmer's family always has a 4th of July party at his parent's house, and it's been going on for at least 30 years....probably longer. So, today will be filled with random chatter with the aunts, being Grill Queen (none of the men cook at all, not even grill, so I volunteer for my MIL so she can relax....Farmer will take care of Baby A), eating the SAME MEAL we eat every year (everyone always brings the SAME THINGS every year, they are totally not food adventurous, like I am, so I know already we'll have party potatoes [yes, in the summer, because they don't eat potato salad], seven layer salad, oreo salad, cheese, cookies, and baked chips) and trying to avoid the kids squirting me with squirt guns....I hate that damp-just-got-squirted-with-water feeling. I'm not a huge fan of this gathering, because their family gets together for every single holiday, AND we just had the annual family reunion last weekend, so I'm out of inane chatter. Nothing exciting happened in the last week. I'd rather be up north on the lake for the day, or hanging out with my family, but nope. We'll go to the party and I'll smile, and know that season 4 of Sex and the City will be waiting for me when we get home.

By the way, I'm assigned to bring cheese curds this year. I'm too adventurous to bring anything else. Last year I brought a mandarin orange and striped cookie salad (yes, VERY yummy) and noone ate it. The year before, homemade baked beans. I took them all back home with me. So, the cook of the family is bringing boughten cheese curds. No, my feelings aren't hurt. I'm ok.

In other news, I went to see Sex and the City movie last night with my two sisters and a cousin who could be my sister. I haven't had that much fun in a long time, and realized that I need to do more things with these girls. There was no pretention, putting on airs, or shyness. We hashed everything out, from my sister being preggo and when she actually got preggo, to the whisker that keeps coming back on my cousin's chin. Come to think of it, we are kind of like the SATC girls, only not quite so.....sexual. I've also decided that I want to wear more hats. FarmTown isn't exactly a "wear your sunhat to the store" type place, people would think you're odd, but they just looked so FUN!

Baby A also had a sleepover last night at my parents house, so that I could go to the movie, and get a full night's sleep. Grammy and Poppy love to have Baby A sleep over, so we all enjoyed our evening. But the kicker of all this is that Baby A....slept through the night for Grammy! What's up with that? Oh well, maybe Grammy fixed her so that she'll sleep for me too! We can hope.....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Anyone for a quick nap in the La-Z-Boy?

Baby A has started to NOT sleep through the night, (teething? Growing Pains? A party we are missing? I dunno) so the both of us has been up since 3 AM. I finally got her down for a nap, so I'm busting rear to get my housework done this AM because.....tonight.....there is a TWO HOUR Hell's Kitchen on! This is totally exciting to me. I plan on being home from Baby Swim lessons and in the chair by 7:00 pm. I have a slight crush on Chef Ramsay. yes, he's mean, rude, and makes fun of poor JP, the maitre-d, but I just adore him. I love a man who can cook well.

Hmmm....I seem to have alot of TV crushes. Perhaps this says something about my slight TV addiction???

In other areas, we have begun Hay Baling season #1 on the farm, and Farmer asked last night if I'd be interested in helping out with that. Yikes. That means I'll be on a hay wagon again soon. My family and friends who knew me pre-farm think this is totally odd. REALLY weird. I'm not a fan of dirt and dust (unless it's on my endtables, then I seem to care less), and I have NO upper body strength, AND I'm more comfortable in a pair of 3 inch stilletos than sneakers, so helping out with baling is odd. But help I do.

My two best friends also called today, so besides being up for 8 hours already, It's a really great day. We went to grade school and High school together, but they both live 2 hours away, so I rarely see them. One just had a baby this spring, and the other is 1/2 way along in her first pregnancy, so we don't get much time to chat.

Other than praying for Baby A to take a long nappy, I also have to make a cheesecake today, pick up the unflattering bridesmaid's dress for Cousin's wedding in a few weeks at the alterer's, and take A to Baby Swim. And pick the neighbor's strawberries since she is out of town this week.

I guess that nap in the chair will have to wait until AFTER Chef Ramsay. :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Things that Make Me Happy Lately

So, I've been quite cheerful lately, which of course is always a great feeling....Here's what makes me glow lately!

*Baby A started to give more kisses lately. Today, we were at a family reunion for Farmer's extended family, and she was giving Farmer kisses on his nose. SO FUNNY.

*The weather guy said that it's going to be hot this week. not warm, not capris-and-long-sleeve-tshirt weather, but HOT. I want hot. Baby A has a little pool and I want to let her go in it.

*Tom Brokaw is taking over Meet the Press. While I miss the late Tim Russert, I have a slight crush on Tom Brokaw. Not as big as my crush was on Peter Jennings, but it's a a crush. Now, I can watch my two news crushes back to back.....Tom Brokaw and George Stephanopolis. Before you laugh, remember, I teach history. Government and Washington DC get me excited. :) I think George Stephanopolis is a cutie. Great Sunday morning viewing.

*The county fair is coming month to go. I love the fair. It think it's just a great place to be and I'm looking forward to taking Baby A. Farmer and I also have tickets to one of the concerts, and that is always a fun night out for us. I get a corn dog, Farmer gets pizza, we both drink.....seriously! It's great! And there's a barn full of pigs! Pigs are my favorite animals, and we don't have any on our farm, so the fair is where I get my fix.

*I'm falling in super love with Sex and the City. I'm totally cable deprived, and so I've never watched the show. But my friend, Florida M, lent me all the seasons on DVD and I'm hooked. I'm in the middle of Season 3, and Carrie just gave up smoking for Aiden, and Miranda just found out she has Chalmydia (sp?), and there are parts where I laugh so hard I snort. It's just great.

*I'm in two book clubs, and late last week I placed an order on Amazon for my new books to come. So, in a few days, I'll get all new reading right on my doorstep! I don't have to go "to town" for them!!! AND.....Free shipping! Life is great.

*My mom and I have been having gut busting funny conversations on the phone lately. My mom and I chat on the phone no less than 3 times a day (I know, we should just live next door), and sometimes we don't have much to say, but lately it's been super funny. I love to belly laugh, so it's felt great.

*I had a huge cry on Thursday, which always clears the air. You know how sometimes you just need to cry? Well, I finally had my day on Thursday, and since then, the world has just been sunnier.

*I got new sheets for my bed. I know, small, but my old ones, the bottom sheet's elastic was worn out and the corners kept popping off in the middle of the night, so Farmer and I would wake up enmeshed in our sheets, and not because we were doing anything fun. It's frustrating. So I creaked open my rusty wallet hinges and sprung for new good sheets. Its' awesome.

SO, that's life right now. Baby A has gotten bored with her Jumparoo, so we must go amuse the Princess. :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!!!!

Where have I Been? I'm not even sure. Some things that have kept me busy in the last week:

*keeping up with Laundry

*house cleaning Baby A's room with Grammy

~Grammy is a master cleaner, so if she shows up with her dusting powder, look out.

*trying to get Baby A to roll over (No success)

*making lunches for Farmer, who is in the midst of haying season #1

*Making suppers for Farmer (it's an all day process)

*trying not to gain wait while home alone all day (I'm fearing weigh in at Chub Club)

*learning that my baby sister Mouse is having a baby! WOOHOO!!!

*celebrating father's day with Grandpa, Poppy, and Farmer

*trying to keep my house clean

*saying goodbye to M, as she starts her new life in Sunny Florida

*watering flowers

*weeding gardens (today's task)

*checking out the neighbor's new pool

*starting swimming lessons with Baby A

*getting bridesmaid's dress fitted for Cousin's wedding next month (hence: Chub Club)

*exersizing with my friend in the evenings

*attending Breakfast on the Farm

*reading a great book about a girl who left Warren Jeff's polygamist compound for a new life

*reading a terrible book for book club last night

*making eclairs for book club last night (turned out AWESOME)

*Other random household tasks too boring to mention here

So, yeah. Who knew that a summer vacation with no real plans could be so busy!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Storms, Showers, and Cheesecake

So, yesterday my area of Wisconsin got hit with some MAJOR lightning, thunder, and tornado storms. One thing about me.....I HATE NASTY WEATHER. It totally freaks me out. So much so, that in our first year of marriage, I made Farmer move about 25 precious things (think homemade afghans, wedding pictures, blessed cross from deceased grandma, etc) from the upstairs to the basement during a tornadic storm when I wasn't home. He was in the middle of a home improvement project (replacing the patio door, so half our house was off) at the time, so he was trying to calm his frantic wife, move the goods, and seal up the house before the tornado came. He had quite the afternoon.

But yesterday they were screaming storms and terrible things. I got super nervous, but I let Farmer go back to work and milk cows and I'd be fine staying home alone. I could have gone to the In-Laws, but I wasn't feeling it. Instead, I called a great friend, M, who lives in an apartment in town and doesn't have a basement, and told her she was more than welcome to come over and hide out in our basement. I should tell you, M is a very brave, logical girl. We work together at school, and she is definitely the more down to earth one of us. However, I think that she could hear the fear in my voice and said she'd check the radar and if she felt she needed a basement, she'd come over. She was here in almost less than 15 minutes. She must have known that Baby A and I needed a babysitter.

So we hung out and watched the entire area get pounded by storms. So much so, that M's mom got her basement totally flooded and the sump pump went out. Ouch. Not good for Mom of M. Thankfully, my area was the only area in our Valley to not get hit. Yeah, we got rain and green clouds and lightning, but nothing scary. Whew! Crisis Averted! So, M went home and I stayed relatively calm until Farmer got home.

Yesterday was also a big day because MY mom (we call her Grammy) and I threw M a going away shower. M's fiancee is a Navy Pilot in Training ( I call him Maverick, from Top Gun. His call sign, sadly, is not Maverick, however. But that doesn't seem to stop me.....) and he's based in Florida, so she's moving down there to be with him. We've been great friends for 3 years, so M's leaving will leave a minor hole in my life. But in order to say goodbye properly, Baby A, (who is also a close friend of M's) Grammy and I took M out for lunch and gave her a few things she'll need in her new Florida Home. She was totally surprised and we had a great time. After lunch, Grammy and I went to TJ Maxx, and I did DAMAGE on my credit card. They just have such cute stuff for kid's rooms and alot of it coordinated with Baby A's room!!! I could NOT pass it up!

Today has been filled with making Farmer a cheesecake for Father's day. He claims that I never make him a cheesecake, even though I bake them all the time, so I let him pick one out for Father's Day. He picked a Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake.....WOW. The batter is AWESOME! Think chocolate ice cream. This should be a great tasting cheesecake.

The rest of today is going to involve taking Baby A for a walk and cleaning up my family room after our Storm Watch 2008 camp out. It's covered in baby toys and clothes that Baby A pulled out of the clothes basket. I"m also going to try grilling fish for supper. I have weigh in at Weight Watchers tomorrow (AKA Chub Club) so I don't want to eat too heavy. Hence, the walk tonight with Baby A!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What did you DO all day???

Those six words are some of my least least when they are strung together.

Because Farmer is so busy at work all day, he doesn't quite realize all that it takes to keep a home together, raise a baby, and put meals on the table that are more than just cheese and crackers. (Which happens to be one of my favorite suppers)

Often, then, when Farmer comes home for supper, he'll look around and ask me "What did you DO all day?", with a bit of wonder mixed with irritation in his voice. For example, today is a good one. I spent all morning running errands with Baby A, which included a HUGE run to Target (a little piece of heaven on earth) and a return of a large item from a shop. Therefore, I had to take Farmer's precious truck on errands. I should note, Farmer LOVES his truck. He fixed it up (it was a rollover) with the help of a dear friend that has since sadly passed away. It has a custom paint job and he LOVES it. I don't get to drive it too often.

When Farmer came home for lunch, he asked me to finish emptying my share of Target (I shoudl really own stock) out of Truck and then put it away in the garage. I said Sure! No problem. It truly was on my list of stuff to do.

However, Baby A is teething (and it's taking forever) and so she's a mite crabby. I also had my "Task of the Day", which was to dust and vaccuum the house. I also wanted to make this chicken enchalada (sp?) casserole for supper. Needless to say....I was busy. So, I made the casserole, fed Baby A a bottle and convinced her to take a nap, dusted like mad for the 1/2 hour she was asleep, then vaccuumed when she woke up, put all folded laundry away, made the rest of dinner, emptied the dishwasher, and did all afternoon dishes before I had supper on the table at 5:00 pm. I kept busy.

But the first words from Farmer were "What did you DO all day???" since the Truck and Target were not done. I therefore looked at him with a wild eye and just closed my mouth. No need for arguing. When prompted to relay all I did (He sometimes believes that I just sit around, read, and watch TV, which I readily admit I did for the majority of my maternity leave) he just said, "But you didn't get what I asked you done finished first?"

Grrr. Husbands.

But it's ok. He liked the casserole, which is good. Farmer grew up eating BLAND food, so anything with a little kick makes both of us nervous. Another good thing about today? Well, there were lots. Baby A sang to my dad (who we call Poppy) on the phone today, which made Poppy very excited, and Baby A has started giving big wet kisses today, which I love. We're off to excersize soon, and then I've set aside tonight to make some greeting cards for birthday and father's day, so crafting is in my near future! AND.....a rerun of America's Next Top Model is on in exactly 30 minutes!!!

Ok, so I guess I do plan on sitting around watching TV tonight. but at least the Truck is in the garage before I do so!!! :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hairspray and Rolling Over

So, my summer plan is to tackle one doable project a day. For example, doing the ironing, cleaning the kitchen cupboards, etc.

Today, the plan: Clean my personal bathroom. Top to bottom.

Who knew hairspray could coat things so well?????

It took me 45 minutes to scrub the floor. Fricking amazing. My bathroom is the entire size of a handicap stall in a public bathroom. No bigger.

While I was sweating my life away on the floor (what a workout!), Baby A was sitting on my bed. I heard her tip over backward (she finds it funny, so she belly laughs for awhile). When I rear my head to try to take a deep breath, I notice she's laying on her stomach, in a perpendicular position she would have been when she went over. That means......... SHE ROLLED! This is huge because she refuses to move on her own. She's a Princess, so why do something your servants will do for you? They'll bring you whatever you want! No need for you do to the work!

So...Praise the lord and pass the malibu. (why need ammo? switch it up!) Farmer and I were beginning to think we were going to have to send her to Remedial Rolling School. Thank goodness we can save that tuition!

Now, she did this with no witnesses. She's sneaky that way. But I figure she must have flipped somehow. We even called Daddy at work to tell him...he too was excited. However, she's not ready to nung on cheerios yet....we had a minor choking incident. Oops. But she does like the thick syrup that is in a peaches can. Yummy! :)

Now we're off to plant some flowers in the front yard. If Princess A will hang out in her stroller long enough.

Introduction to Us

Hello All!

I'm kind of excited....first time blogging. I like to try new things.

I'm Historygirlie, and this is the story of my first summer as a mom.

My husband, Farmer, and I gave birth to Baby A in October, which makes her approximately 8 months old. Outside of being a mumma, I'm a high school history teacher in an adjacent community from where we live. Since Farmer is a farmer, (duh) you can assume I live in the middle of the country. We co-run a 70 head dairy farm in Wisconsin, and we have about 150 cows total. I'm totally a city girl, so this whole farm thing threw me for a loop at first. But you live and learn, and now I like to believe I'm adept at being a farmer's wife. I don't milk cows, I'm not strong (that leaves baling hay out), but I make a mean bag lunch for those who are spending the lunch or supper hour on tractors. That's my contribution to the farm effort.

In other things, I am a farmer's wife. I have a huge garden, and I love to pickle and preserve my crops. I enter things in our local county fair, and consistently win ribbons. I LOVE to read. I almost always have 3 books going at a time. I am also crafty....I embroider, knit, scrapbook, stamp, and I can bake like noones business. I'm especially good at Cheesecakes. When Farmer became a farmer, I needed to find things to do to fill my alone time....Otherwise, I'd just eat my way through life, and I have enough trouble trying to stay thin. So, I found hobbies. However, now with Baby A, there isn't as much time for my hobbies. But I try.

So, that's our happy little family. I basically started this blog to just have a place to get my thoughts out and maybe just tell someone about them that may care. My husband cares about my day, but during the crop season on the farm, we just don't get through many conversations before one of us falls asleep. Ahhhh, life. :)