Saturday, December 6, 2008

I've got a fever.....Fever! (NOT FOR THE SQEAMISH)

We've had a first last night in our parenting life. But first, a preface.

Kitty was sent home from school on Thursday afternoon with a 102.2 fever. We treated with tylenol, and throughout thursday night and all day friday it went up and down.

Last night around 9 I took her temp again, and it was up to 104.6. Yikes. I called our dr. and he said that since she's just feverish and sluggish, there's nothign they can really pinpoint. It may be teething or a virus, most likely, and they can't do anything for either of them. So we dosed her up again and sent her to bed.

Fast forward.

2:00 AM

She was not sleeping, so I brought her in by me to cuddle until she fell asleep. That normally works. well, she tossed around, and around 2:30, she let out a scream, and then proceeded to get sick all over the side of my face, neck,and shoulder. Twice.

The first nighttime sickness. What a moment.

Farmer sprung into action, still asleep. He delivered about 10 different towels for me to mop up with, and then ran some bathwater for Kitty while I cleaned her up with towels. I then bathed her, then bathed her again since she got sick in the tub, and got her smelling fresh again. While this was occuring, Farmer changed the sheets. He then cuddled kitty and tried to get her to drink something while I finally showered. We then slept pretty well, three in the bed. Kitty was fine once the poison was out of her. She started snoring almost immediately. Farmer and I were running on pure adrenaline (esp. Farmer, because I don't think one of his eyes made it open during this whole process) so we laid there, waiting to hear another scream.

This morning, she's still kinda sluggish, but no full ickiness....jsut a few stomach lurches. But this means that my pedicure appointment for today with my good friend MH is going to be cancelled. Farmer does NOT change diapers, and she's had some loose ones this morning, and I'm not going to saddle him with those, even though last night in the fiasco he said I could still go. He'd take care of it. I'm sure his feelings will change once he hears about the 'ree.

NOTE: this post was mainly for NavyGirl, since I seem to like to keep her up to date on the random, meaningless things that occur back in Cow Town while she's out west with Lewis and Clark. IF anyone has read this post and could no longer look at their St. Nick candy, I apologize. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, poor Kitty! The vomit! T didn't puke until he was SIX--and then he thought he was dying because he'd never thrown up before and had NO idea what was happening to him. He thought it was blood coming out of his mouth and his end was imminent. Talk about hysterics!
I foresee saltines in Kitty's future instead of St. Nick candy;)

NavyGirl said...

Poor everyone in the Farmer family! I thought the 'ree and vomit would be the worst part of the story - but, you had to skip your pedicure?!?!? How wretched! Glad Kitty is starting to feel better.