Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bloggy update

So, an update from last night:

#1: I finished the paper and submitted it immediately. I've never been, unfortunately, one of those people who go back 16 times and revise and rewrite. I tend to write papers from the gut...and once I'm done, I almost mentally shut my mind off to them. I figure I wrote over 150 papers in undergrad and 1st masters, and did fairly well GPA wise in both of them, so this paper is good to go. Huzzah!

#2: The 9 foot blanket is 3/4 way done. Kitty went down relatively early tonight (8pm) and I got right to work cutting and knotting. Now, even if we don't have a snow day on Friday (possible, but not likely. we'll know more tomorrow) I'll be able to get it done.

#3: It's my night for Kitty.....pray to God she sleeps.

#4: Today was George F. Kennan day in Honors American. Kennan's my secret history boyfriend (props to Green Girl for creation of "secret boyfriends") because his containment policy of 1947 blows my mind. It's so simple, but also somewhat effective. He was this young guy who was the Department of State's head guy on Soviet Russia, and he came up with the way the USA fought against the evil Communist spider throughout the entire Cold War. In fact, some of his strategies are still in effect today against what the USA now considers "Evil". But anyway, I make my kids read the paper Kennan wrote outlining Containment, and normally, they HATE it. It's dry and political, but his hottie genius shows through. (Is it wrong to be crushing on a 1940's political advisor??? hmmmm....) However, this group of sophomore smarties were able to get past the dryness and get to the meat of his argument, and they also now admire Kennan for his genius and skill.
(Yes, That's Kennan. Yes, the amazing political power of his brain made his hair go away. It's ok, I still adore him.)
Ahhhhh, yes. Time to go put clean sheets on the bed and crawl in for a night of sugarplums dancing in my head.
Hey....that kinda rhymed. :)


NavyGirl said...

My secret boyfriends include Thomas Paine ("These are the times that try men's souls" - brilliance), Tom Brokaw, Jon Stewart, and the guy in the Allstate insurance commercials. :)

Anonymous said...

Your choice of secret boyfriends CRACKS me up...but I am NOT judging. Am NOT.