Saturday, December 20, 2008

A christmassy weekend and other random thoughts

So, here we are, the weekend before Christmas. We are booked solid this weekend. Today is Farmer's maternal family christmas party, and tomorrow we head up to my Brother's house for a seeing trees gathering. I've got the garlic bread made, the jumbo blanket finished, and all I have left to do is put ribbon around some gifts and bathe Kitty. Not too shabby.

Last night Kitty was up 4 times, but Farmer and I held strong.....she DID NOT camp out in the middle of our bed. She yelled and whined and moped around, but she stayed in the Crib. Go us.

Only two more days of school before our almost Two week vacation. Huzzah. We didn't have a snow day yesterday, but it was close to needing one. The roads were just not happy yesterday morning. But since I teach in Metropolis, the city never sleeps, or shuts down for snow. That includes the schools. But I live in CowTown, so the roads In to work were rotten. But even Cowtown Disrict only had a 2 hour delay. Hmmmmmm.

Navy Girl comes home tomorrow!!! I'm so pumped. I foresee some great conversations, and perhaps a Margarita stop? ahead of us. What do you think, NavyGirl? We need to see what your frantic family visiting schedule is and fit in some time for drinks and convo. The New Years gathering is at M and K H's house, and kids are invited, so since we don't have a sitter, that's most likely where we'll be....for at least part of the time. Farmer would like to get together with his friends, but he needs to organize I'm seeing us at the H's house.

Huzzah! I woke up in the total Christmas Spirit this morning......just in time!!!!!!

Ok, time to go stick the Cat in the Tubby.....Have a great weekend all!


Anonymous said...

Way to stay strong and leave Kitty in her bed! Enjoy your full weekend!

Amy A. said...

Yay for Christmas Spirit for showing up right on time. I usually peak early and late. :P

NavyGirl said...

YEA!!!! I RETURN TO THE CENTRAL TIME ZONE TOMORROW!!!! I don't care if there's weather problems, I WILL have my Culver's within 36 hours, or I WILL lose my mind. Have fun with all the family-ness, we've got New Year's Eve slated for H's house, and we'll need some other girl time besides that :) Can't wait to see ya soon! (Clearly, by all the exclamation points here, the Christmas spirit has overtaken me as well!)