Monday, December 29, 2008

A Christmas Recap

*Kitty raked in the goods this Christmas. She loves her new zebra jumparoo, which she immediately fell off of on Christmas morning, right into the tree. Daddy didn't hold on tight enough....i think the video may be worth $10,000.

*Kitty also got a wagon from Santa Claus, which we've been giving her rides around in in the kitchen. She thinks she's top dog in that wagon....I"m so excited for Summer.

*For the week before Christmas, Kitty had been very stuffed up. Christmas Night she was unconsolable, and she didn't sleep overnight. So, Dec. 26 I took her to the Dr, where she was diagnosed with a double ear infection and a sinus infection, which had been around for a few days. I felt like mother of the year...I thought she was just crabby. Oops.

*After Christmas, Farmer and I also came down with terrible head and chest colds. We all sounded like death. Thankfully, we are all feeling a bit better.

*Kitty learned how to open gifts, which was fun to watch. However, if she got a piece of tape on her finger, look out. She was amused for several minutes.

*I got two new Cricut cartridges, the John Adams DVD set, and other wonderful gifts. Santa was wonderfully generous.

*Kitty has been sleeping in, and CELEBRATE! she slept all night in her own crib last night. She only needed to be comforted for a bit, the midst of all the snot, she's also popping out two teeth. It's been a banner week for poor KittyCat. But before that, she's been having a camp out in mumma's bed....Daddy's been less than enthused.

*Last night The Sound of Music was on, and Kitty enjoyed watching it. I know she did....she loves music and dancing. She's just like her Mumma....right down to the crush we both have on the handsome Captain Von Trapp. I think he's another secret boyfriend.

*Tonight Grammy and Poppy are coming down for some Christmas Cheer. Kitty really knows them now, and she squeals like a piggy when she sees them. It's quite fun.

*Watch out....a Historygirlie Year in Review is on it's way!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you had fun--they are so sweet at that age when only a few presents satisfy and the opening can take HOURS!!! (You're not a bad mother, BTW. I took Brent in when he was about that age and learned he had a double ear infection and happens to all of us)