Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thumbs Up and Down: Historygirlie version

Thumbs Up: To my Honors American Studies classes, for willingly donating to the Adopt a Family program at school. We decided, as a herd, to adopt a family for the holidays through the Key Club. My co-teacher and I were nervous that they wouldn't bring in money and we'd have to get everyone in the family Pez dispensers, but wow....did they come through. 58 kids donated a total of over $240.00, and we were able to get great gifts for a mom, dad, and 3 kids. I'm so proud of them all. What a great show of Christmas spirit from a group of kids who can be somewhat materialistic at times.

Thumbs Up: to my mother in law, who called me last night to tell me that I don't need to make a pan of lasagna for the christmas party this weekend....all I have to bring is garlic bread. Huzzah!

Thumbs Down: To the stupid Wisconsin weather. It's been below zero the past two days (freeze your nose hairs cold, to quote my dad) and now, it's snowing. We're to get 2-5 inches overnight, but KHS already had their snow day, so I will be going to work anyway.

Thumbs Down: To me. I have to make a 9 foot long tie blanket by saturday, and have been postponing it FOREVER, and now I'm down to the wire, and my historiography paper is due on Sunday, and takes presidence over the blanket. I foresee some late nights in my future.

Thumbs Down: To Kitty, for needing to play in the middle of the night the last two nights. She ended up sleeping in the middle, where she crashed, but us parents were up, afraid of rolling over her. But she's still wonderfully adorable, so it's not a full thumbs down, just a thumbs sideways and a slight frown.

Thumbs Up: To me (yeah, I get double credit) for rocking the socks off this paper I'm writing for historiography. Yeah, I've had 2 months to write it and now i'm craming it in the week before it's due, but for me, that's nothing new. I've always been late at stuff like this. But I think i'm really hitting it out of the park tonight. I only have 3 pages left before I've hit the minimum requirement. It's about the little life changes that every day people went through because of the Protestant Reformation, and so I'm mentioning the change in art and patronage, the changes in christmas carols (when I get this flushed out, I'll post about it...tis the season) the changes in the practice of the Rosary, and the differences in the deathbed.

Thumbs Up: To George's Steakhouse, where we had the farm christmas party this past weekend. Awesome steak, Great Cosmopolitans, good time had by all. I want to go back this weekend. I think my favorite thing to do is go out to eat. I'd do it quite often if Farmer and the bankbook allowed.

What do you celebrate/boo-hiss at lately?


NavyGirl said...

Thumbs Up: Getting the biblical pile of laundry done!

Thumbs Down: Getting little else done today. Bah.

ebs handler said...

Up: Christmas break
Down: Christmas preparations
Up: Snow Days!
Down: Spending snow days shoveling instead of reading/hot chocolating
Up: Getting my family home
Down: Dec. 29 and Jan. 4 will come too soon

Down: Ebs is gone
Up: Ebs is gone
(Today, more of a down! No one to eat the last, cold spoonful of oatmeal but me.)

Anonymous said...

What a list! You must finish the blanket!!!

Up: the boys
Down: the damn weather
Up: bloggy love
Down: Christmas shopping & travel
Down: freaky relatives
Up: fixed faucet