Sunday, November 30, 2008

Indoor picnic

So, Kitty and I are, as I type, hanging out in the family room, watching some Antiques Roadshow, and i decided to have a picnic supper with kitty. I found a toddler's version of a Lunchables (one of my college favorites) so I strapped her into her portable tray chair, and here she is, having a picnic of ham and cheese with Ritz. What a funny girl.

Otherwise, we had a great Thanksgiving....lots of turkey and family time. Now, Kitty and I are getting all geared up for Christmas!!! I'm looking forward to the big holiday.....she'll be much more exciting this year! Hooray!


Anonymous said...


NavyGirl said...

How did she get so big! :( I hate living on the edge of the world. Tell that cutie not to grow anymore before I can get back there to see her.

What time works well for a phone chat?