Monday, November 10, 2008

What a Weekend

We had quite the time this weekend. Friday night was fun.....I went to the school musical with a teacher friend....they put on Peter Pan, and one of Kitty's babysitters was Peter, and the rest of her sitters were involved in some way. They did a great job on the show, of course, and I really enjoyed it. Peter Pan was the first ever stage musical I saw, at St. Norbert's summer theater about 25 years ago, and I still remember the magic I felt when Peter, Wendy, and the boys sailed into the air to fly to Neverland. I felt that same stomach tingling magic on Friday night, and I almost sang along with 'I Gotta Crow" favorite when I was a kid.

I do a great rooster imitation when singing it.

However, Friday night Kitty didn't sleep well, so we were up quite a bit. Saturday we realized mid afternoon that Kitty had a low grade fever...however a few hours later it spiked up to 103.7 degrees, and she was quite listless. We dosed her up on baby tylenol and hoped for the best. Her fever went down a few degrees and overnight it broke, but she was still up quite a bit throughout the night.

The kicker was that we were supposed to go to a wedding on Saturday night, but we stayed home guessed it.....watched FOUR episodes of Smallville. FOUR.

Sunday we went shopping. Just the three of us. We got some christmas shopping and groceries. It was quite a nice day. We haven't spent a Farmer Family day together in a long time.


So, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. At my parental unit house, Thanksgiving is a big day because it's my dad's favorite holiday. We always play some type of board game on Holidays, and in the past few years Dad insisted that we have to pick a name for ourselves that corresponds with the holiday.

For example, Last Easter, we needed to pick "Easter names".... My sister picked Mary Magdaline, Kitty was Pink Chick Peep, My brother was Barabbas (the guy that got picked to live over Jesus) Farmer picked Easter Ham, I was Peter Cottontail, and then Dad sat down at the game table. We figured he'd pick Chocolate Rabbit or something equally corny. But he didn't pick.....he instead picked God, since noone can beat God in a game. He took the name prize for the holiday.

Mom normally doesn't pick a name, as she never can think of one and doesnt' like the ones we normally pick for her. She's a party pooper of the highest order.

So, for thanksgiving we need to come up with names. Kitty is Sweet Potato, (but if she gets crabby she turns into Sour Cream or Sourkraut) I'm Candied Yam (but I'm looking for a female pilgrim for a name...suggestions?) My brother is Miles Standish, and I think Dad is going to be Tom Turkey. But we're not sure. My sister is Dinner Roll, since she has a "bun in the oven"....I came up with that one, and got a resounding hooray from everyone.


So, I'm almost done christmas shopping. Almost. I'm pretty proud of myself for that.....getting ahead of the game. Now, if I can only figure out what I should get Farmer.


That's about it. We have a busy week ahead since I"m going out of town this weekend to go scrapbooking. woohoo!!!! I need to get Kitty ready to go to Grammy's as well. Updates througout the week!!!


NavyGirl said...

I cannot believe you are basically done Christmas shopping. Good lord woman.

Pilgrim name suggestions:

I say, go with Susanna White Winslow - it sounds very fancy :)

Anonymous said...

Patience Mugwhite. I totally made that up. Your family cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

Yo, Candied Yam, I tagged you.