Sunday, November 2, 2008

And now, the time has come....

Yes, readers, the time has come.

It is time for the Farmer Family to get A DOG.

Tonight, while feeding Kitty, I caught her picking up a piece of food, so delicately in her thumb and forefinger, looking at it, and then, casually, throwing it onto the floor. I said "Kitty!" in a mommy tone, and she looked me square in the eye, shook her head "no no", and, while looking at me still, threw another piece of food on the floor. "I don't WANT this, mumma!"

I almost died laughing. she KNEW she was doing wrong, but just continued.

So, I want to get a dog. someone to eat the goldfish crackers and macaroni noodles off the floor so i don't step on them or have to pick sticky noodles off of my socks.

In other notes, I've been feeling uninspired lately....which is why there have been few posts.

There just haven't been much to report. Our days are becoming quite, supper, play with Kitty, bathtime, bedtime, sit down to watch Smallville with Farmer. I'm getting a bit sick of Smallville. it's Farmer's favorite show, and so we watch it on DVD every night. every.single.night. Thankfully, NavyGirl is sending me two seasons of Bones, so we'll be switching Clark Kent with Yummy Seeley Booth.

And, Kitty learned how to stand up against a table this weekend......Big adventures around here. She's quite proud of herself. She's now standing up against my leg trying to type. Huzzah!

1 comment:

NavyGirl said...

How many signatures on a petition will it take before Farmer bows to public pressure and let's you get your pug? Cuz, I'll start collecting names...

I can just see Baby A standing by a table with her hands in the air, beaming like she's run the NY marathon :) Glad to hear she's less movement-averse these days.