Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quick Kitty Update

It's been relatively quiet around here....which means very little to blog about. Sorry, readers.

A few life glimpses:

*Kitty is starting to like to toddle around holding on to my fingers. Major progress. She normally doesn't like her feet on the ground....she'd rather sit.

*Farmer combined the soybeans yesterday....Kitty and I got to go to the feedmill to bring him his supper. He was 20 minutes later than he told me he would, so there were Kitty and I, hanging out in the car at the feedmill....I had a bunch of farmers come up to the window and ask why I was just sitting in there.....It's kind of awkward explaining to a strange man that I was bringing supper for my husband....I felt like they were looking at me like a hussy who feeds men. Ok, maybe not a hussy, but I was getting some realloy strange looks.

*Farmer and I have hired a babysitter for every tuesday night for two hours so I can go upstairs to the spare room to do some grad homework and not totally freak out from stress. So, right now I'm SUPPOSED TO BE researching how everyday life changed in Europe due to the protestant reformation, but I'm totally NOT feeling it right now. Hence, the blogging and listening to Kitty watch her sesame street video with her babysitter and playing with her screaming monkey.

*THis morning was slightly funny.....I call my mom every morning on my way to work to have a chat....it's been a tradition of sorts for several years. THis morning I call at 6:45 am....no answer. Odd, especially since she didn't have to work today. I called my sister to see if she knew where Mom was, and she said that she couldn't reach her either and was kinda worried....it was a bit early for her to be missing or shopping. So, then we were both worried. I mean, who, if they don't have to be, would be out and about that early?????? We ended up calling our brother, who lives 1 mile from mom, and made him go check out the house on his way to work. We called at 7, and he wasn't even awake yet....big time lawyer can sleep in while his sisters are already slaving away by 7. Long story short: Mom was at a Chub Club meeting and thought that our minor panic was funny, especially when Brother comes storming in hoping to NOT find his mother dead in bed. There was mom, watching Good Morning America and eating a pastry (hey! she weighed in already!!!) at the kitche counter.

*ok, that's about it. nothing else interesting going on in our home. Hope your lives are more exciting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My driveway is tore up and I parked in yours. Not terribly exciting here either, I guess;)