Wednesday, October 8, 2008

God Bless Cough Syrup

I'm at home today from work, with a miserable chest cold. I sound like I've been smoking 2 packs of unfiltered a day for the past 20 years. I get to go the Dr. this afternoon, so I'm just waiting until Dr. utters the magic words...."here's a prescription". I'm hoping for a codiene-laced cough syrup. Is it wrong to wish for drugs?????

Kitty went to DayCare today.....Farmer came home to take her since I didn't want to get anywhere close to the other kids. She was going to stay home with me but it was too much work. so I called Farmer home and told him to take her to school. I think she'd rather be there than with me, hacking on the couch.

But that's about it. I missed the debate last night because I went to bed instead. I wish I would have watched....everyone is saying it was interesting because the guys couldn't talk as long as they could have, and something about McCain meeting another Navy guy in the audience......can anyone fill me in about what happened????


Anonymous said...

He fawned over him shamelessly. Really. Shameless fawning.

Shout if you need anything--I'm going out later shopping. And I have Mucinex which is my favorite new drug.

Amy A. said...

Mommies should never get sick. Hope you are well soon.

NavyGirl said...

I hope you got your codeine! Can't wait to catch up soon - hope you're feeling better :)