Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh Boy

Kitty is a marvelous dancer. She can be-bop with the best of them....especially when I turn on her Sesame Street DVD's.

However, tonight, she's been rocking out to.......The Lawrence Welk Show. A show from the 1960's-70's that's on every Saturday night on PBS. We watched it every week growing up, so when I need a touch of nostalga (or the only other thing on is College Football) I tune in.

She seems to enjoy it.

Today I helped my sister, Auntie Mousie, register for her baby shower. She's doing her nursery in a jungle theme (she adores monkeys) and Graco has a line out now that is jungle themed. So, everything she picked out was matching her nursery! The three Martha Stewarts (Mom, Mousie, and Historygirlie) were so excited. The other grandma came along too, and while she liked the idea of matching stuff, she didn't see the full joy. Kitty helped too....but she really just got super crabby until we stuffed her full of Ritz crackers. What did mothers do before crackers??? Poor Ma Ingalls. Living in a 1 room shack with Pa and 3 girls, and no Ritz Crackers.

Who cares about cloth diapers, early childhood mortality, and watching out for your kids from falling into abandoned wells (remember that episode? Stupid Carrie fell into a well...Carrie = not my favorite character....she never had decent things to say and was always running to the outhouse).....but to live without crackers and have picky eating toddlers....that's enough for me to be glad to be living in 2008 and not in Ma Ingalls time.

Ma Ingalls for Mother of The Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never liked Carrie either. I bet that Kitty CAN dance.