Tuesday, April 21, 2009

observations, quick thoughts, and ruminations

*Spring is back in CowTown....it rained yesterday and today, and the worms are out on the sidewalks. ICK. I hate it when the worms come out.

*It snowed today, but it's supposed be 70 degrees on Friday. Freaking odd weather.

*Kitty has started massively pulling hair. she pulled her teacher's hair today, and removed a clump of my locks this evening. It earned her a time out and a frown from Mumma. If this continues, you can just call me Supernanny, for the amazingness of my timeout skillz.

*Farmer's birthday is Friday....which means...Perch Plate for Historygirlie!!!

*Navygirlie comes home on Thursday! Huzzah!

*How does one get into ballroom dancing as a kid? That's one skill I would love to have. Not that the polka dances that I attend really need the ability to samba or rumba, but still...how fun.

*I think I'm being snubbed by my cousin....I haven't recieved neither a save the date or an invite to the shower...when everyone else has...hmm....

*Jillian Michaels is a butt-busting sloot. Ok, maybe not a sloot, but still! her workouts are intense. However, I turn 30 in 3.5 months, (30!!??!! sniff...sniff...not adjusting well)and I want to look hawt at 30. So, Jillian is going to kick my keister every day between now and then. I'm not joking....every day. look out folks...this slightly nerdy, documentary loving history nerd is going to be looking good!!!!

*I think I'm the only person in america that doesn't love Adam Lambert from American Idol. I don't like his severly dyed hair and eyebrows...yes, I think the eyebrows are dyed too. He looks werewolf creepy. not a fan.

And....my last odd life tidbit....and I'm saving the best for last....

*one of my administrators today told me (in front of two other teachers AND two students) that he thinks he needs to go on one of those medications that help men's urinary incontinence. YES. you read that right. he came back from a bathroom break and announced that to the group, and also that he's been having hair growing out of odd spots. I've worked with this administrator on several projects, so I get him better than others, so it didn't shock me as much, but STILL!!!! Ahhh....love the surprises in life.

And on that disturbing thought for all of you.....Good night!


NavyGirl said...

OH. MY. GOD. "He" (and I know exactly who HE is) did NOT do what you said he did. You're making that up to see if we're actually reading your blog. That didn't happen. I'm going to pretend I didn't read it. I'm going to live in an alternate April 20th, 2009 (like the skewed line on the chalkboard in Back to the Future), where THAT story has not been told to me.

Huzzah for Farmer Guy's birthday!!! (And a perch plate!)

Huzzah - I make my triumphant return to Wisconsin in less than 36 hours!!!

Anonymous said...

whoa! clearly you need to establish some better boundaries;)
Snubbed? Weird.