Monday, April 13, 2009


You know, in the movie E.T., when E.T. breaks into the fridge and drinks a bunch of beer and gets a bit tipsy? And then he runs around the house yelling his name over and over again? E.T....E.T.....E.T.....

Well, that's turned into my daughter.

Two days of being with grandparents and aunties and uncles and cousins and marshmellow peeps and being the total center of attention made my kitty a bit crazy yesterday afternoon. My parents house is very open and circular, and so Kitty was waddling in her twirly skirted Easter dress (she's got big diapers and she walks without bending her knees....hence...waddling) all excited, waving her arms, and repeating her name over and over again. Seriously, if she were all brown and wrinkly, she would have been a picture of E.T. My brother just followed her around, waddling, and saying his name over and over again. (I think the copious amounts of Peeps and chocolate got to him too) She was also all excited because she figured out how to say her name, so we hear it all the time. (GreenGirl....the "cubbie" you were hearing at your house was actually her attempt at her took awhile, but I figured it out)

Seriously. Adorable. Grammy and Poppy were totally charmed. Add in her amazingly huge Easter Bonnet---I had to find the bonnet with the most "frills upon it"at the local dime store, so the brim was HUGE, come on, everyone, sing along..."In your Easter Bonnet...."---and her green and pink madras plaid easter dress and sandals with cupcakes on them, she was a perfect Easter Girl. Don't worry, I'll post a picture when I get time.

In other happenings, my washing machine blew up this morning. It's leaking water from the bottom. I turned off the hoses leading to it, after a frantic call to Poppy (Farmer's busy this AM with vet check and just general farm chores) but the water still comes. This totally puts a crimp in my plans to get all my laundry done today on my day off. Shuzbut. I guess I'll have to attack Mt. Wrinkle instead. or scrub my kitchen floor. Or bathroom floors. Or a number of other chores.

I found my cheesecake recipe for the annual cheesecake contest. I must say...It's fricking amazing. I'm not revealing the flavor yet (I don't want anyone stealing my recipe!!!!) but everyone loved it at Grammy's house yesterday. It's a hit.

However, GreenGirl, if you'd like me to bring one to book club this week, I'd be more than happy to. Just let me know.....

Check ya later!!!!


Anonymous said...


NavyGirl said...

Oh. My. God! I can just picture her twirling her heart out! You better have taken lots of photos... :)

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to getting more information about this topic, don't worry about negative opinions.