Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hello!!!!! Can you see me through the fog????

I am starting to hate the weather in CowTown. It's March. I HATE March. Sunday it snowed like crazy, yesterday was rainy, tonight they are bellering about fog and freezing fog and freezing rain. But tonight's fog comes and goes, which is even more frustrating. Straight up fog, fine...we don't leave the house. But come and go fog? Can I go to the store? Am I going to come out with my milk and lunchmeat and not find the car? Sometimes I can see my neighbor's house, sometimes not.

I'm so ready for capri's, peep toe heels, and summer skirts. Time to put the sweaters away.

Ok, enough on the weather. My regular weekly update:

*I'm finally starting to feel better, physically and emotionally. For the last month I've been dealing with some gynelogical problems....I had another blighted pregnancy, but this time it didn't want to miscarriage....my body thought there was a pregnancy but it was fooling itself. Then the dr thought it was an ectopic pregnancy, but then decided it wasn't. So last week I had a procedure to finally end this misery. It didn't hurt, per se, but it's just the resolve and healing of everything. So, I'm back on my feet. Finally. Huzzah.

*Kitty is a wandering walking girlie. She's so on the move. But, I think walking is easier. She was faster and sneakier when crawling. Now, she's more unsteady. But she's SO PROUD of herself. She's moving like a big kid now, and she's the main attention of the whole day care center. Everyone has been waiting for Kitty to walk. Today they went on a stroller ride around the inside of the center (too rainy to go outside) and at every new room, Kitty had to get out of the stroller and show off her skillz. She's such a ham. when she'd enter the room walking, she'd stop, applaud for herself, and then keep walking, while clapping. Show off!

*Kitty's also started to enjoy hiding from Mumma. THis weekend, she climbed two flights of stairs, closed the baby gate behind her, and hid in our bedroom with the door closed. She then was facing the door, waiting for me to open it. She's also done this in the laundry room and under the computer desk. Little Fart. :)

*Farmer's getting the equipment on the farm ready for field work, even though they are covered under a bizillion inches (ok not really) of snow, slush, and yuk. I think he's getting ready for spring to come too. He likes hanging out on his tractor.

*This weekend is a big one. It's Brother's fiancee's first two (of three) bridal showers and also the big bachelorette party. SHe's so excited...her mum's coming home from California for two weeks for the big events. The events should be very fun. I'm looking forward to a night out with the girls.

*It's Grandpa Farmer's birthday party on Sunday. His actual birthday is on St. Patrick's day, but we celebrate on the closest sunday. I hope I'm not too hungover...it's hard to celebrate with your inlaws when your head is as big as a watermelon, and dry as the sahara.

*Corned Beef and Cabbage One Week From Tonight! This Irish Lass is very excited. I only get this meal once a year.....yum yum YUM.

Ok, time to exersize. I just watched the first 1/2 hour of the Biggest Loser, and if those people can shed that kind of pounds (Yes, I KNOW they have chefs and trainers and aren't juggling work and babies and overworked husbands, and a lot more jiggly motivation than I do, but still) I can lose a few before the big wedding. At least enough so that my back fat doesn't flap over the top of the dress. Yes, Ugly Picture. I agree. Hence, the unappetizing workout in my very near future.



NavyGirl said...

Enjoy your corned beef and cabbage! I'm making Irish soda bread today... almost as good as a Shamrock Shake :)

Anonymous said...

Oh honey, if you need anything, call me. Otherwise, I'll wave to you through the fog and cheer you on.