Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tidbits from the Farm

*Wicked was wickedly awesome. NavyGuy has become my third favorite man on earth (behind Farmer and my Dad) for allowing me to accompany NavyGirlie to see the awesome show. I LOVE IT. I must go again so I can watch the details instead of learning the story line. However, the next time I see it it will probably be performed by a high school troupe....in other words, I don't get to the THEATRE (yes, -re....and said with a snobby British accent....it's fancier) very often.

I do believe that it has become my 2nd favorite musical ever....I doubt anything, ever, will replace Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat ( I Heart Joseph) but It may have just replaced the Sound of Music as second. Somewhere, the hills are crying.

*Kitty goes to the ENT specialist to see about tubes. Farmer gets to take her, since her appointment is in the morning. I hope he doesn't just blow her off and will help us with her never ending earache. Send a happy thought her way.....I think she's getting sick of people looking in her ears.

*I think that Hillary Clinton should always wear Bright Pink. She looks awesome and glowing tonight on the State of the Economy Address. However, Nancy Pelosi looks TERRIBLE in that mossy green...she'd fit in with my brother in law and his hunting clothes. It also has this odd little crocheted section up the front, but it doesn't go all the way to the neckline, which is almost worse than the crocheted part. Plug-ugly.

*At my school, we have a 10th grader who is severely pregnant. I saw her waddling down the hall today, wearing her pre-maternity jeans, boots with the fur, (with the Fur! sing along time!!!) and a non maternity top.....so sad. My heart hurted for her.

*Hurted? what kind of grammar is that? and I teach the youth of America........

*Is it sad??? I really like the Boots with the Fur song. I don't know what it's really called, but it makes me dance in the car when I hear it. I also like that Panic! at the Disco song "I don't feel like dancing..." I just cant stop wiggling when that comes on either. And also "All the Single Ladies". I'm so so SO not any of these songs....I'm more Willie Nelson or Joseph Soundtrack than those songs.

*Lent starts tomorrow. Good Catholic School Girl that I am (and because I'm married to an even better Good Catholic Boy) I've decided to give up fast food (I'm an MSG and grease junkie....the fattier burger and fries, the better!!!) (and I'm really good at driving past McD's and sneaking in for a diet coke from time to time....I love me some fountain sodas too!) and I'm going to exersize every day but Sunday. I figure, even the Lord took a rest....so can I, because I HATE to exersize. But I will do it!

*If I were a senator/representative, I'd get really tired of clapping and standing up all the time during this speech. What if your leg hurt, or you had a migraine or backache? That standing would be brutal. Could you just hoot and hollar from your sitting position? maybe wave the Steelers Terrible Towel? Slap those noise-maker tubes together that you sometimes get at Packer Games? That's really funny to me. Picturing crabby old Justice Clarence Thomas frantically waving a Bright Yellow Terrible Towel over his head, while John Mc Cain is beating frantically on a cowbell. It would be like a high school football game....only with better surroundings.

*Haha!!! Obama just mentioned Orrin Hatch, and the camera went to him, and he wasn't paying any attention!!!! He was reading the program! When people started clapping, he looked up in surprise and stood up and clapped with everyone else. Hey Buddy! You need to pay attention!!!

*OK, I must really get down to work and research for my grad paper. Which isn't nearly as exciting as blogging random thoughts.


MissKing said...

boots with the fur song...
"apple bottom jeans"


: )

Anonymous said...

your random thoughts are SO entertaining!