Wednesday, February 25, 2009

KittyCat Update

So, Farmer took Kitty to her Ear Nose Throat doctor today, and the good doctor said that she needs to have tubes inserted IMMEDIATELY. He took a peek in her tiny little ears (which are so cute!) and said that there was a considerable amount of fluid in there (STILL) and that the outside of the eardrum is starting to turn red again, in both ears, which means infection is on its way.


So, he said he wanted to get tubes in her tomorrow. There's no time to waste. So, now Kitty is scheduled for surgery at 8:30 am tomorrow. So, tomorrow I'm off from work, and so is Farmer (at least after 6:30 AM...he'll go to work in the begininng of the morning). She'll have a slightly rough day tomorrow, from the anestesia, but the doctor said she'll be able to go back to day care on Friday! The amazing amuont of pressure in her ears will be gone tomorrow. She'll be able to hear us clearer tomorrow. She'll start to find her balance tomorrow. Her speech will start to become clearer tomorrow.

It will be an amazing day tomorrow.

I've been afraid that she's been delayed, but our primary doctor said that it's her ears that's been keeping her behind. However, when I see much younger kids in her room walking and talking clear, and Kitty just can't....well, it makes my heart hurt. I don't want her to be "that kid".

DISCLAIMER: I'm a teacher, people. I know that there's NOTHING WRONG with being "that kid". They are as accomplished as everyone else. But you can't tell me that every parent doesn't wish for their kid to be the smartest kid ever. With no problems or issues or troubles.

But anyway.

So, tomorrow's the day. I'll be sure to update y'all tomorrow evening.


I'm still giggling at the thought of Justice Clarence Thomas waving a rally towel at the State of the Union address. It just tickles me.

Big snow coming to CowTown tomorrow night. What do you think the chances are for a snow day on Friday. I know we can't handle another snow day, but a girl can wish, right????

Day one of Exersize during Lent is accomplished. I hulahooped for 25 minutes. I know, what????Hoola Hooping? Yes, folks. I have a hula hoop that weighs about 2.5 lbs, and it's made to help sculpt and thin down the abdomen. My Mumma picked it up for me at the farmer's market last I did exersize for day one. Huzzah!!!


NavyGirl said...

1. Yea for Kitty's ears!!!!! I'm so thrilled they're going to take care of it right away. I'll be thinking about you guys all day and hoping everything goes well. TWP and I are doing some craft shopping in Appleton, so call if you need ANYTHING!

2. I love the heavy hula-hoop exercise! It's fun, and it's not until the next day that you realize how hard you worked :)

3. Also loving your use of the Renaissance Faire word "huzzah"!

Kat said...

Aww. The poor little squirt. I hope all goes smoothly with the operation and that she is doing much better immediately. :)

I'm REALLY hoping the weathermen are all wrong on this one. NO MORE SNOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to Hoop it UP! I'm praying for Kitty today--here's to her better health.