Saturday, January 3, 2009

An updated post regarding 2008

Dear Readers:

As I was rereading my last post, I thought that I sounded like I moped my way through 2008. My year wasn't all medications and fieldwork and mopeyness. Here are some of the awesome highlights of 2008.....

*the continuation of Bumble Book Club....looked-foward-to evenings full of good reads, good conversation, and good companionship

*my 7 foot tomato plants....Seriously....7 feet tall! Thankfully I had time to can this summer...they were awesome and kind of a neighborhood sensation.

*4th of July party with my family....we had some wicked games of croquet and best of all...Kitty and Grammy got to go swimming in her little pool! Great times for all.

*The County favorite weekend of the year. My Caroline Ingalls comes out in Mid-July, and I love watching my baked goods and embroidery win ribbons, or in the case of my chocolate chip RIPPED OFF!!! Grrr, still, to the judge.

*Kitty's art projects. we've filled 2 scrapbooks already!

*Teaching my Brother to make pickled garden products. We had such a great time making pickled mushrooms, brussel sprouts, and relish. Hopefully that will become a yearly thing.

*Auntie Mousie's was surreal to watch my baby seester get married, and then quickly get preggo. We had fun with the final planning, showers, various girdles (for myself, Auntie Mousie is a stick) and bonding moments.

*Having some time to do my crafts...namely, my weekend away in Door County with other Scrapbooking friends was a needed relaxation, and thanks to Farmer and Grammy for helping me be able to go.

*my awesome Honors American Studies students....while they may be trying at times, there is at least one moment of laughter each day, and I love watching them learning.

*All my wonderful friends, at work, at home, and all over the nation (wow, I have friends from sea to shining sea! Manifest destiny at work)

So, there.....there's some great things that have occured throughout 2008....there are many more, but I'm out of time. Time to go to the last holiday party of the year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, the Bumbles topped the list--even above those tomato plants! I feel honored:)