Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh! My Ear! and other tidbits

Well, it's been another week in Farmerville. Alot happening, but not much to blog about on a daily basis.


Kitty has another ear ache, along with a chest cold. The dr. put her on Zithromax, but it's not nearly as tasty as Amoxicillian, so tonight I had to pin her down on the floor and squirt the meds on the back of her tongue. Thank god we only have two more doses of it to give.


I got great news yesterday...Navygirl is coming home to Cowtown in February, and.....we're going to see Wicked at the PAC!!! She got her birthday gift early from Maverick and she's taking me! We are so excited to be going to the theatre (you must say theatre with a slight british much more exciting)....the PAC is about the classiest place she and I get to at this stage of our lives. Maybe someday we'll be going to military balls, or classy HistoryChannel soirees, once we're documentary commentators.

What do you think, Navygirl? do you think HistoryChannel has classy soirees?


I got John Adams documentary DVD for Christmas, and I'm through 3/4's of it, and I want so much to blog my thoughts about it, but Navygirl hasn't watched it yet, (she got it for christmas too!!) so I'm refraining. But she better get going....I have so much to say.


Ribfest, Winter Edition, is on Saturday at Grammy's house. Grammy wants to have one last hurrah, to quote her, before Auntie Mousie's baby comes. I asked her if we weren't allowed to party (because look evening of eating ribs with your family is a Rafter-Raising event) after Grandbaby #2 shows up....she didn't find me funny.


I'm in a creative funk lately. I have all these craft projects going, but I have zero ambition to do any of them. grrrrrr. And some of them have due dates. yikes.


As I was lurking on another blog (I'm a TERRIBLE LURKER) I noticed that today is national DeLurking day, but I wonder, how does one know that someone is lurking? is there a function on Blogger that I haven't discovered??? hmmm....this interests me.


Farmer has gone snowmobiling tonight, and all I'm listening to is the sound of my typing. the silence is the best sound I've heard all day.


Bitter frigid weather coming. Joy. :(


Ok, that's about all the tidbits I have. HistoryGirlie.......OUT!!!!


NavyGirl said...

If the History Channel doesn't host fancy soirees now... they sure will once we get the reins!

Anonymous said...

I thought I heard him drive past.
So glad the baby is feeling better--stuffing meds down the hatch is an awful job, but better than the alternative.